Screen Map |
Main Flying Screens
GO & any other key
for ½ sec.
X = Current Screen
. = Demo Screens
Top Left of Display
Select: |
Parameter to display on the top left of the LCD when in the main flying screens.
[Show Netto] - This is a 30 second average of the net airmass
motion. The annunciator is Net.
[Show Slope] - This is a 30 second average of the achieved glide
slope. The annunciator is .
[Show Tk Er] - Track Error (Tk Er) is GPS Track - GPS Bearing. It
is helpful when using a hand-held GPS receiver.
[Sh Thermal] - This is the climb rate achieved since entering the current
thermal. [Show McC.] - This repeats the MacCready setting shown on the HW
/ TW Final Glide screen.
[Sh Max McC] - This is the maximum MacCready setting which will allow you to make
it home on final glide.
[Sh MMc/Net] - This shows maximum MacCready setting while climbing and
Netto while cruising. |
Press UP or DOWN to select the desired option. |
Press LEFT or RIGHT to view other screens. |
Press GO to save changes and return to the flying screen you were in before entering
configure mode. |